Cat Quiz


Task Description: For Cybersmart, we learnt how to use Google forms.

I created a Cat test/quiz, hope you enjoy my quiz!



Task Description: For maths today, Team Tui learnt about probability and how to create graphs on Google spreadsheets. We took the information from the container filled with blocks, created two graphs, and found out the probability of picking each colour if our eyes were closed.

P(Event): Chances of that event / Total number of outcomes

Grammar Challenge – Exercise 2

Exercise 2 

Write sentences of your own, giving two examples of each type. 


Question mark/the question:

Where did my book go?

When did you last see them?


Exclamation mark/the exclamation:

Holy smokes!

They went there!


The statement:

On August 21st, a woman’s handbag was stolen.

The weather today is windy with light rain.


The command:

Come here now.

Put it back neatly please.

Task Description: My bad, the last blog post wasn’t in order. Exercise 2 was to make my own sentences to give an example of each type. I did this last week.

Grammar Challenge – Exercise 3

Exercise 3 

Write an answer to each of these questions. Be sure that your replies are full statements. 

Example: Where do you live? 

I live in Hunter Street, Newcastle. 


(a) Why are you late this morning? 

The traffic, I live in a busy area.


(b) What is the time, please? 

It’s 9 o’ clock in the morning.


(d) How old are you? 

I’m 12 years old.


(e) Have you visited your dentist this year? 

Yeah, a few months ago.


(f) Is your sister older or younger than you? 

She’s older than me.


(g) Which book is yours? 

The one on the left.


(h) On what day do you have sports? 

We usually have it on Friday.

Task Description: The grammar challenge today was to write an answer to each of the questions provided. I also had to make sure that the replies are full statements (Which I might’ve done wrong). Above is my work.

Grammar Challenge

    Exercise 1

Write the following sentences, putting at the end of each the correct punctuation mark. State after each sentence the type to which it belongs. 


(a) With growing interest we listened to the story. Type: The statement

(b) How thoughtless you are! Type: The exclamation

(c) Tall green trees lined the avenue. Type: The statement

(d) Who owns the house next door to you? Type: The question

(e) Running across the road the boy fell in the path of the on-coming car. Type: The statement

(f) Bring your book to me. Type: The command

(g) Could you please direct me to the station? Type: The question

(h) What a sweet voice she has! Type: The exclamation

(i) Be careful where you walk. Type: The statement

(j) Hopelessly the lost dog wandered through the bush. Type: The statement

Task Description: For reading, I chose the grammar challenge from the weekly choice board.  Above under ‘Exercise 1’ it shows what the grammar challenge is about.

Puberty Plus

On Thursday, Team Tui had a whole day off because we were learning about puberty. We got put into groups to answer the quiz questions, Green, Red, Blue, and other colours. The first block was both boys and girls, the second block was just boys then just girls. The last block was everyone again. We got an egg every time we answered correctly, blue won and got balls. It was boring but probably informative for others. (I was in green)



Reading – Monday Must Do

Article: Kiwi Trampolinist Has A Big Fall 

Recall Questions 

– Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?

Kiwi Trampolinist, Dylan Schimdt.

– What was the key event from the news article?

He fell off the trampoline during his final routine. 

– Where did this event take place?

Paris Olympics 2024.

– When did this event take place?

On August 3rd 2024.

Thinking Questions

– Find a quote from the main person in this news article?

No quotes.

– In your own words describe what happened in this news article.

As Dylan Schmidt was doing his final routine, he veered towards the edge of the trampoline and took a great fall. Fortunately he suffered no injuries, quickly got up, and thanked the supporting crowd.

– Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place.

Paris Olympics 2024. The Olympics is a sports event held every 4 years hosted by different countries around the world.

– Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future.

It happened on August 3rd 2024, I don’t think it’ll happen again in the future as long as the Trampolinists become more careful.

– Explain in your own words why this event took place.

He veered towards the edge of the trampoline accidentally. 

Task Description: For reading ‘Monday must do’, we had to choose an article about the Olympics, read it, then do the recall questions and thinking questions at the end of the article. Above is my work!