Dogs are not the Best Choice for Pets

Dogs are not the Best Choice for Pets

In my opinion, dogs are not the best choice for pets, they’re big, they drool and you have to clean them like every single day. Unlike cats, they have to be groomed and bathed. They’re definitely not the best choice especially for new owners, and they are definitely not low maintenance. Even if they’re a small dog, the small dogs have a high reputation of being scrappy, barking a lot, and being less obedient. 

Some might argue that they’re more energetic and loyal. But what makes you think that other animals cannot be too? Cats are able to be very energetic and loyal, the idea that they’re mean, scratch you and not energetic or loyal is completely a stereotype. Like orange cats! If you’ve seen videos, they’re very energetic, play around and love attention. Judging using stereotypes is not the best thing to do right? Also about walking dogs and getting fit, you’re able to go on walks with cats. There’s even harnesses and leashes for cats!

For new owners, dogs aren’t the best choice. I strongly believe this because most of the dog breeds are pretty big and high maintenance. First, They need to get groomed and other stuff. If you get a very fluffy dog whose fur grows fast, you have to pay to go groom them and get their fur trimmed, brushed and washed. If you can’t do that and unless you’re able to groom the dog yourself, the fur will get matted and dirty.  Which is basically animal cruelty to leave it like that. Also, 1 in 7 dogs have fleas. Making you get special shampoo or combs for it. 

Secondly, there’s a lot of risks while owning dogs that a new owner might not be able to handle.While on walks, they try to eat a lot of stuff they find on the ground. Chocolate, foods that can make them constipated and other things can end up in their mouth while on walks. I’m pretty sure that you wouldn’t want your new dog to take a trip to the vet right after your first walk with it.

The huge bags of kibble for dogs may be big and save you money which is why new owners probably would buy them, but they’re low quality and highly processed. Dogs who are also fed kibble require regular teeth cleanings. 

So, in conclusion, they’re not the only pet animals that can be energetic and loyal. Cats are able to be energetic and loyal, the idea that they’re mean and scratch you are stereotypes. They’re high maintenance and not good for new owners. They also bark and are loud. While on walks they poop and then you need to buy bags for that, causing you to lose money and go back to the store after the bags run out. They make you use tons of money, not just for toys but also for basic needs. These are all the reasons why I believe that dogs are not the best choice for pets.

Task Description: We had a reliever, and she basically told us to do persuasive writing. We could choose whatever topic we wanted so I chose, “Dogs are not the best choice for pets”. Also I’m not a dog hater, I love Clumber spaniels.

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